Live à Travers
Bonjour tout le monde,
Voici quelques informations du concert d'hier soir. La playlist prévue fut:
Echoes / Another Day
Who's behind The Door?
Heat of the Action / Shadows in The Stream of Love
It Never Rains
Rythms Of Life
One Way
Vivement le prochain live!
Hello to you all
Here some input about lat night's show. The playlist planned was:
Echoes / Another Day
Who's Behind The Door?
Heat of the Action / Shadows in The Stream Of Love
It Never Rains
Rythms Of Life
One Way
Looking forward for the very next live show!
10:00 Publié dans * REEL LIVE, * REEL NEWS | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : music, pop, rock, group, reel, reel music
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