Throttle Rocker
Well well well right now I feel like I have a rocket in my back as many things come into the roll with the finalisation of the album! It is just crazy! The album is not even finished that you have already to think about so many things in order to make it available at best for all of you readers and fans of REEL. The process is ongoing! Also as soon as you have a solution to a question, pop! a new one appears! Right now it is just rock and roll pure! I feel like a throttle rocker with bombastic lithium power up my ...
Already many people I know and are around the band ask me when is the album ready ... Everybody wants to hear it ... wants to discover the musical world of REEL. It is true that the entire team of REEL WEB tried to give the best inside news, the best first overlook of what the REEL world is and will be in the near future!
We are working on so many things such as CD production, CD distribution, Live events, Communication and getting to know us more and more through all available medias! It is tough to organise all but I have to say we are getting there and the day we will be able to launch and inform accordingly it will be incredible!
Spreading REEL music worldwide is a challenge and we are up to the task!
As already informed, next weekend we are putting the final touch on the main mix. The album will take its upmost definitive colour and sound! Then we will go into the mastering process! Another 2 weeks of full REEL rock throttle action ahead of us!
We are getting there! The craziest part is that we are already discussing, planning, taking into account the next steps and of course the next musical steps!
Stay tuned as right now will bethe time to discover it all!
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